Infographic illustration about Indonesia National Heroes. Per this day, there are 206 people described as National Heroes in Indonesia.
After painting quotes about National Heroes for years, I realized there are pages, pages, pages description of this topic in Wikipedia if you look about it and it is very overwhelming. This is my attempt to shrink down that information into one page so everyone even with the shortest amount of time available can disgest it in one sight.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
National Hero of Indonesia (Indonesian: Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia) is the highest-level title awarded in Indonesia. It is posthumously given by the Government of Indonesia for actions which are deemed to be heroic, defined as "actual deeds which can be remembered and exemplified for all time by other citizens" or "extraordinary service furthering the interests of the state and people". The Ministry of Social Affairs gives seven criteria which an individual must fulfill, as follows:
Have been an Indonesian citizen who is deceased and, during his or her lifetime, led an armed struggle or produced a concept or product useful to the state;
Have continued the struggle throughout his or her life and performed above and beyond the call of duty;
Have had a wide-reaching impact through his or her actions;
Have shown a high degree of nationalism;
Have been of good moral standing and respectable character;
Never surrendered to his or her enemies; and
Never committed an act which taints his or her legacy.
Gambaran infografis seluruh pahlawan nasional Indonesia berdasarkan tahun lahir dan wafat dalam satu halaman.
Sejak beberapa tahun lalu, saya membuat personal project portrait pahlawan Indonesia plus quotes terkenalnya, yang pastinya disertai research meskipun sedikit seperti cuma googling kan.. Ternyata, banyak nama-nama lain yang belum saya kenal dan mungkin banyak orang juga belum familiar dengan nama-nama mereka.
Ketika dijadikan visual, meskipun dalam bentuk yang sederhana ini (hanya berdasarkan tahun), mulai ada insight-insight lain yang bisa 'dibaca'. Contohnya, bagaimana semakin banyak pahlawan, semakin dekat pula dengan kemerdekaan. Mungkin kamu dapat insight yang berbeda? That's the beauty of dataviz🙌🏻